
See also: https://twitter.com/appliedtao (#todo start other applied tao stream that’s less curated)


notice what the universe/life is wanting in this connection. Clarifying that then can make the path easier or harder <> you had better get busy living or get busy dying #~shelly #Enlightenment


Q&A with a high level Vajrayana practitioner, who knows someone who is said to have attained Enlightenment

Q: An influential investor in Silicon Valley whose mom is a yoga teacher had a question for me to ask someone if I ever got to spend time with someone who possibly has attained enlightenment “How does one know if they are enlightened? Do you ever feel that you’ve lost it?”

A: "There are degrees of awakening! Perhaps the most important demarcation of awakening for us occurs when it is clear that in the bardo one is sure to experience liberation through recognition of the fundamental nature. How does one become clear about this before dying? Mostly though feeling greater and greater unshakable confidence in inhabiting one’s true nature all the time, including sleep.

Then one feels in one’s bones, that liberation upon dying is inevitable. What does this looks like while living, for such a person? They live in deep ease, flexibility with the ebbs and flows of life, they have endless compassion for beings, do not get caught up in the three poisons (attachment, aversion, ignorance) – not necessarily perfectly but also, not so much distraction. Notice we are not speaking about the siddhis or godlike powers that one sometimes thinks of with enlightenement, those are not what delineate realization. As a quality of such realization such a person almost seems invisible, they do not seek attention or talk about themselves much, they may come across as unusually ordinary. No, this realization does not falter in the face of life’s endless appearances. May we attain 🙏🏽❤️" Jana


post questions for ossian / from

#curate #suggestion #ifiwere questions for enlightened master list — add google doc